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Friday, June 3, 2011

Who knew?

I've been logging many hours in the garden lately so, not too much time available for blogging. I'd love to have a bit more time to write but I am spread a little too thinly these days for that. Technology is wonderful but all this ever-evolving instant access to the lives of others causes me trouble at times. Every time I participate in a new method of communication with the world and my friends, I think "Yay! A new way to eventually neglect my friends and family!" How I yearn for a simpler day when USPS mail and the land line telephone were our only two options to reach out and touch someone. I may be the only person I know who really doesn't like to talk on the phone...I mean I really don't like it. I call it my phone allergy. I communicate best in person or in writing. On the phone, I struggle to interpret things people may say because I cannot read their facial expressions or gestures. Body language is so important to me and is a crucial element of my powers of intuition. It is also something I rely on when I communicate with others, to get my point across. Before there were emoticons, I used to use my actual face to convey my feelings. Weird, huh?

I've been getting into facebook as of the past year but facebook limits my status updates to a mere 420 characters and if you know me, you surely know I have much more to say than anything 420 characters would allow me. Facebook kind of opens you up to scrutiny as well, depending on your privacy settings. I always find it interesting when someone who is not on facebook will ask me questions about my profile, photos or wall postings. I was recently questioned, with a tone of provocation, about several things on my facebook page by someone who has obviously been paying very close attention to my details and from what I gathered, engages in some deep analyzation of my profile contents with others who know me or are on my friend list. I guess this person looks at my profile while at a computer with another individual who is on my facebook friend list and has actual permission to see the details that the non-member otherwise wouldn't get to see. I was quite amused and pleased to discover that I am, in fact, interesting enough for someone else to take the time to (somewhat) routinely peruse my profile and then give my details some of their mental space to reside in for future comparison. I never realized I am so fascinating (That's a total lie. I have always known this.) but I am always happy to entertain someone!
Someone who is good at regular blogging and not neglecting his peeps is my good old friend Matty O'. He, himself, is not old but we go way back. His most recent post contains gorgeous photos of Pittsburgh. I've never really been there but I may have stopped at their airport for a layover at one time. My preconceived notion of Pitt is that it is well...the pits. I couldn't imagine anything lovely about the look of that city but it has quite a spectacular skyline at night. Who knew? Take a look at the photos and while you are there, check out some of his other posts. He's an adventurous guy with many interests.

Back to garden I go!

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